Microsoft has just confirmed the release date of its newest addition to Windows. Windows 8.1 will be launching October 17th. The update will be free for existing Windows 8 users.
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The Moto X will be coming to 5 carriers in the US and Rogers in Canada at launch. Today Verizon has put up a sign up page for the Moto X. They say it will launch in the 'coming weeks'.


Google glass just received an update, for any developer who was lucky enough to get one and willing to pay $1500 for one. The update includes better video playback, various bug fixes and performance enhancements, and Google Now cards. Now you are able to see cards just like you would on your Android or iOS device for appointments, weather, traffic and much more. All of this right on Google Glass!


According to many sources (except Apple themselves), Apple will hold an event on September 10th to announce the next iPhone. The supposed 'iPhone 5S' will come with the same body as the iPhone 5 with improvements to the internals. Including a purported much improved camera. Stay tuned for more rumors and news.

After more than two weeks Apple's developer site is back up. All services have been completely restored.

Check out AirNote, iOS app! The simplest, most elegant way to take quick notes, write down some todos, or write a quick reminder! Support by purchasing the app. Custom iPad UI coming soon and even sooner with support! Also great features in the works for all supporting customers!

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On August 1st, Motorola announced its new flagship smartphone, the Moto X. It comes with Android 4.2.2 and they say will be updated to 4.3 'soon'. It has three main new features, always on, which means the phone will be always listening for a keyword 'ok google now'. When it hears this keyword it will wake up and you can ask any question you'd like, just like you would right now with Google Now.

Next, Active notifications. Since the screen is AMOLED Motorola has the ability to turn on only a small portion of the screen. This allows them to pulse a part of the screen when you pick it up which displays the time and any missed notifications.

Lastly, the camera. With a quick two turn gesture, you can launch the camera app and take a picture, and Motorola says you can do this in under 2 seconds. This gesture can be made even while the phone is locked.

Motorola says that the phone will launch in the US on all 5 major carriers for $199 on contract. It will also launch in Canada with Rogers. At the beginning, only AT&T will have the ability to access Moto maker, which is a website that will allow you to customize the phone with 17 different colours for the back (wood finish coming in Q4). Also, 6 different accent colours for the ring around the camera and the power and volume buttons.,en_US,pg.html 
Motorola is set to announce there 'Moto X' smartphone this coming Thursday, August 1st, 2013. 


Two days after the announcement from Google, the new Nexus 7 is now on the Google Play Store. This is currently only available in the US. Google says other countries will be added 'soon'.


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    August 2013
    July 2013